2 min readJan 29, 2021


West Covina, CA

Today we are at Nik’s parents house. We are living in the RV for quarantine. It’s small and nice inside. We have WIFI for work, lights and electricity, etc. Nik went to a hill in the Walnut. I didn’t go with him because of work and meetings :(. But anyway, we had a dinner together. It was super tasteful beef and salad 🥗. We watched the TV. Peggy and I talked about the government parties. She is super kind and generous that makes me think about the society issues, respect to people and helping people and our environment!

The inside of the RV has been messy, so I just post the outfit of it for saving your eyes, haha. Anyway, we are gonna do our daily routine- walking. One day one walk, keep doctors away from you. 😀.

Last but not least, I stole a picture from Nik’s Instagram account since he got it from his little trip. Nice day! Keep on tomorrow:)

